Comedy is a literary, theatrical, cinematographic, television, radio and musical genre that seeks to provoke laughter and entertainment for the public. It is a universal genre that has existed since ancient times and has been cultivated by authors of all times and cultures.
The origins of comedy can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome, where it developed as a theatrical genre. The early Greek comedies, such as those by Aristophanes, were satires of the politics and society of the time. Roman comedies, like those by Plautus and Terence, were lighter and focused on human relationships.
In the Middle Ages, comedy remained alive in popular theater, offering comedic performances for the entertainment of the people. During the Renaissance, comedy flourished again in courtly theater, presenting more elaborate and sophisticated works.
In the 19th century, comedy diversified and spread to other mediums such as film and television. In the 20th century, comedy became a popular and commercial genre, offering a wide range of styles and themes.